Tuesday, December 30, 2008
5 Ways To Lower Cholesterol
High cholesterol is a condition that can be treated one of two ways; through lifestyle changes based on diet and exercise and in more extreme cases with prescription drugs used in conjunction with the first two.
No matter the ways used to lower cholesterol not taking care of the problem creates dangers that can be life threatening. Raised cholesterol levels can lead to atherosclerosis (a hardening of the arteries), which puts you at risk for heart disease and stroke.
If you have been diagnosed with high cholesterol here are 5 ways you can lower your levels without the use of prescription drugs.
1. Eat a healthy diet – Your diet has a large impact on your cholesterol levels. A diet low in Trans fats and saturated fats is key because these two substances are the biggest contributor to high blood cholesterol levels. This change alone can have a large impact on what you levels do.
2. Start exercising – Exercise builds up your cardiovascular system which is essential to reversing the dangerous effects caused by high cholesterol.
3. Quit smoking – Smoking accelerates the rate at which dangerous plaques build up in your arteries. These plaques block the flow of blood causing your heart to work harder and raising your blood pressure. This can cause a heart attack or if a plaque breaks loose it can cause a clot and a stroke.
4. Reduce stress – Learning to relax can have a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Stress can contribute to high levels of cholesterol even when you are eating a low fat low cholesterol diet.
5. Visit with your doctor – As more is learned about cholesterol and its effects on your health doctors are becoming more in tune with the proper way to treat this dangerous problem. Most doctors will recommend changes in diet and exercise before they prescribe cholesterol lowering medications. In more extreme cases drugs will be prescribed along with lifestyle changes. In many cases once your cholesterol is under control there is a good chance that medications can be discontinued.
If you adhere to these 5 ways to lower cholesterol you will soon see an improvement in your levels along with your overall health.
By: Andrew Bicknell
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Monday, December 15, 2008
Choosing Food To Eat To Lower Cholesterol
There are two types of cholesterol that circulate through the body's blood stream; LDL or low density lipoproteins and HDL or high density lipoproteins. LDL is considered bad and HDL is considered good because of the way they work in the body. High levels of LDL cholesterol are a leading factor for increasing the risk of heart disease while HDL cholesterol is known to reduce this risk.
One of the easiest ways to control this is by choosing food to eat to lower cholesterol. It really can be that easy; just some simple dietary changes can have a profound effect on your cholesterol and your health. But then your mom always told you you are what you eat.
In this "fast food" world there has never been a truer statement. There are many foods that you can eat to significantly lower bad LDL blood cholesterol levels.
1. Eat more fiber rich foods, particularly oat bran, barley, and wheat bran. These high fiber foods are not only key to helping lower cholesterol levels but they are also good for proper bowl function and help to lower the risk of colon cancer. Most fruits and vegetables also contain good amounts of fiber and they are cholesterol free.
2. Beans and lentils are also high fiber foods that contain a substance known as lecithin, which has been shown to help reduce LDL's.
3. Snack on raw carrots. Carrots contain a large amount of a fiber called pectin which has been shown to lower cholesterol. Fruits such as apples, citrus fruits, strawberries, and raspberries also contain pectin.
4. The Japanese have long used shitake mushrooms in many of their meals, and for good reason. Rich in a compound called lentinan that not only helps in the fight against high cholesterol it also helps boost the immune system.
5. Use more garlic in your recipes. Garlic has many health benefits, one of which includes the substance allicin which is believed to help rid the body of LDL cholesterol. Scientific studies have shown that eating one clove a day can reduce cholesterol levels by 10%-15%.
6. Nuts such as walnuts, pecans, hazelnuts, and almonds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are known to significantly lower levels of LDL cholesterol while raising good HDL levels.
7. Sesame seeds, celery, lettuce, asparagus, spinach, tomatoes, ginger, squash and strawberries contain a cholesterol fighting compound known as phytosterols.
8. Omega-3 fatty acids. These are some of the most powerful natural cholesterol reducers health researchers have found. Seafood such as salmon, tuna, and sardines are rich in omega-3s. It can also be found in safflower, canola, soybean, and olive oil which are all also good sources of monounsaturated fats.
9. Saponin, a substance found in alfalfa sprouts, is thought to reduce and inhibit the formation of cholesterol forming plaques in the arteries.
These are all food to eat to lower cholesterol naturally and in most cases simply eating healthy and exercising will give you the results you need. Only in extreme cases where cholesterol is dangerously high will your doctor prescribe drugs. But it is important to consult with your doctor to determine the best course of action if you do suffer from high cholesterol.
By: Andrew Bicknell
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Monday, December 1, 2008
Cholesterol High Foods And Heart Disease
If there is one word that is associated with potentially life threatening health issues it is cholesterol. There are numerous TV and print advertisements espousing the benefits of the latest cholesterol reducing drug and for good reasons.
High levels of this naturally occurring substance are associated with increased risks of heart disease and stroke. Knowing this has caused many people to avoid cholesterol high foods in their attempt to mitigate the harmful effects it can cause.
But just what is cholesterol and where does it come from?
Cholesterol, unbeknownst to many, is actually produced by the body, mostly in the liver, and is necessary for proper bodily functioning. In fact roughly 80% is made by the body with the other 20% coming from dietary sources. Or at least that’s the way it used to be. With our more "fast food" dietary lifestyle cholesterol has become a major health care issue.
Without cholesterol our bodies would be unable to function properly. It is primarily used to make cell membranes and makes them stable and durable.
It is particularly important in the formation of nerve tissue, brain cells, and the spinal cord. It is also used to make bile which is an important part of the digestive process in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. And certain hormones would not be able to be made without it.
Unfortunately our modern diet has given us to much of a good thing. While high cholesterol foods such as meat, eggs, and whole fat dairy products should be eaten in moderation it is the preponderance of foods high in saturated fats and Transfats that are the bigger culprits.
Fried foods, snack foods, processed foods in a box, and just about anything containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils all fall into this category.
In fact scientific studies have shown that foods high in these types of fat have a greater impact in blood cholesterol levels then eating just foods that are high in cholesterol.
This does not mean that eating a diet of high cholesterol foods is a good idea but it is more important that you avoid the saturated fat and Transfats that are so common in our diet these days.
As cholesterol levels build up in the blood stream they get to the point where the body cannot use all of it. When this happens it will start to deposit along the arterial walls creating plaques and causing atherosclerosis, which is a hardening and narrowing of the arteries.
These plaques can cause blockages in blood flow which can lead to a heart attack or they can break free as a clot and get lodged in the smaller vessels of the brain causing a stroke.
Maintaining normal cholesterol levels through a healthy diet and lifestyle that includes exercise is the best way to prevent these risks.
Just remember that cholesterol is a necessary substance we all need but it is important to eat cholesterol high foods in moderation and avoid those foods that are in high saturated fats and Transfats to avoid the risk of heart disease.
By: Andrew Bicknell
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Healthy Eating - Cholesterol Dietary Management
By: Ted Brumby
Conventional Dietary Management of Cholesterol
While the development of plant sterol-enriched spreads is a very significant advance in the dietary management of cholesterol, it does not replace conventional dietary therapy. Rather, a plant sterol-enriched spread is an adjunct to conventional advice, which substantially increases the potential of diet to lower serum total and LDL-cholesterol.
What is conventional diet therapy?
Since the 1960s dietary advice to lower blood cholesterol has revolved around the manipulation of dietary fatty acids. This advice was based on the work of two series of experiments conducted independently by Keys et al (1) and Hegsted et al (2). Both found saturated fatty acids raised blood cholesterol and polyunsaturated fatty acids lowered it.
The potency of polyunsaturated fatty acids in lowering blood cholesterol was about half that of saturated fatty acids in raising it. Fats rich in monounsaturated fatty acids had a neutral effect on cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol was found to have a small, but significant, blood cholesterol-raising effect.
Based on these studies for healthy eating the key dietary advice for reducing cholesterol became the replacement of dietary saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat, with some reduction in dietary cholesterol. More recently, monounsaturated fats and carbohydrates have also been considered good substitutes for saturated fat, which remains the key dietary determinant of blood cholesterol.
What are the main sources of saturated fat?
In western industrialised countries most sources of fat in the diet are rich in saturated fats. These include:
1. Dairy fats - butter, cheese, cream and full-fat dairy foods
2. Meat fat, sausages and luncheon meats
3. Baking fats used in commercial cakes, biscuits and pastries
4. Commercial frying fats used for takeaway foods and snack foods
The saturated fatty acid content of the fats in these foods is 50-60 per cent. Consumption of all these foods needs to be curtailed in order to reduce dietary saturated fat intake. Dairy fats are the most cholesterol-raising and special attention needs to be paid to reducing dairy fat in the diet for a healthy eating lifestyle. Low and reduced-fat milks and yoghurts are recommended.
What are the main sources of unsaturated fats?
Margarine spreads and unsaturated vegetable oils are the only major source of fat in the diet not dominated by saturated fats. Polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats comprise 75-90 per cent of fatty acids margarines and oils. These foods also serve as the major sources of the essential fatty acids,, Vitamin E and Vitamin D in the diet.
The most freely available vegetable oils are sunflower, canola and olive oils. These are also used in margarine spreads. Although all three oils are recommended, sunflower and canola have an advantage over olive oil with respect to cholesterol-lowering. Advice for people is to:
1. Use table margarine instead of butter
2. Use sunflower, canola or olive oil in for frying and in salads
Nuts are also high in unsaturated fats and low in saturated fats. They may be recommended for people on cholesterol-lowering diets.
What does the Heart Foundation recommend?
The Heart Foundation recently made the following dietary recommendations for healthy eating that will lower blood cholesterol:
1. Use margarine spread instead of butter or dairy blends.
2. Use a variety of oils for cooking - some suitable choices include canola, sunflower, soybean, olive and peanut oils.
3. Use salad dressings and mayonnaise made from oils such as canola, sunflower, soybean and olive oils.
4. Choose low or reduced fat milk and yoghurt or 'added calcium' soy beverages. Try to limit cheese and ice cream to twice a week.
5. Have fish (any type of fresh or canned) at least twice a week.
6. Select lean meat (meat trimmed of fat and chicken without skin). Try to limit fatty meats including sausages and delicatessen meats such as salami.
7. Snack on plain, unsalted nuts and fresh fruit.
8. Incorporate dried peas (eg split peas), dried beans (e.g. haricot beans, kidney beans), canned beans (eg baked beans, three bean mix) or lentils into two meals a week.
9. Make vegetables, and grain based foods such as bread, pasta, noodles and rice the major part of each meal.
10. Try to limit take-away foods to once a week. Take-away foods include pastries, pies, pizza, hamburgers and creamy pasta dishes.
11. Try to limit snack foods such as potato crisps and corn crisps to once a week.
12. Try to limit cakes, pastries and chocolate or creamy biscuits to once a week.
13. Try to limit cholesterol-rich foods such as egg yolks and offal e.g. liver, kidney and brains.
By: Ted Brumby
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Green Tea Can Balance Your High Cholesterol Levels

Green Tea Can Balance Your High Cholesterol Levels
By Ani Roy
Chinese discovered the secret benefits to this nature’s gift-Green tea around 4000 years ago. Since that day till date, green tea is among one of the most popular drinks all around the world.
The health benefits attached to green tea are numerous and too important to be put aside or ignored. In 1994 research proved that Chinese green tea reduced cancer of the esophagus in women and men in China who used green tea frequently by 60%.
Similarly research has also proven that Chinese green tea improves the levels of HDL which is the good cholesterol a human body needs.
While on the other hand Chinese green tea reduces LDL levels which is the unhealthy version of cholesterol that leads to heart problems and several other health diseases such as blood pressure.
Reducing weight and curing cancer are not the only traits that are associated with this natural herbal tea.
Other medical conditions such as cancer arthritis, infection, poor immunity levels and high cholesterol are also seen to improve dramatically with the increased intake of green tea.
People who are health and fitness conscious lay a lot of emphasis on their green tea intakes and give much credit to it for their healthy body and mind.
Epigallocatechin gallate which is abbreviated as EGCG is one of the antioxidants found in this herbal tea which helps to fight cancer cells and keep healthy cells alive.
Heart problems among Japanese men are significantly low although 75% of them are chain smokers. The secret behind their healthy hearts is green tea which has EGCG in it which acts like a powerful tool against fat in our diets.
As green tea reduces cholesterol therefore it is a good practice to sip it up regularly not just to enjoy its flavors but for health reasons.
The way every one these days is concerned about living green for the health of planet Earth the same way green tea lets you live with a healthy heart.
Among all the varieties of teas available , green tea has extremely low levels of caffeine and has multiple health benefits out of which controlling blood cholesterol is one.
Among the rest of the benefits of green tea, fighting tooth decay, lowering blood pressure, keeping blood sugar under control and also terminating cancer cells are just a few.
Cardiologists actually are now recommending the use of green tea because of its healthy properties. They have researched that it reduces the risk of heart disease and helps cure blood pressure problems as well.
After a careful research, cardiologists have observed that within 2 weeks of a daily consumption of green tea, the arteries supplying blood to the heart dilated in patients who used green tea in abundance.
source : http://ezinearticles.com/?Green-Tea-Can-Balance-Your-High-Cholesterol-Levels&id=1618193
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Foods For Reducing Cholesterol
Are you aware of the so-called cholesterol? Well, cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance found among the lipids or as we all know it as fats in the bloodstream and in all your body's cells.
But you don't have to worry at all because there are foods to eat to lower cholesterol.
Many foods can help you to maintain your cholesterol level. These foods are proven and studied.
These are the foods to eat to lower cholesterol such as oatmeal and oat bran because it contains soluble fiber, which reduces your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or the bad cholesterol.
And also soluble fiber can also be found in such foods as kidney beans, apples, pears, psyllium, barley and prunes. Because of the soluble fiber it helps to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in your intestines.
And eating oatmeal is a strong proof of lowering cholesterol based from the study. Walnuts and almonds are also good choices, based from the studies walnuts can be consider as reducing blood cholesterol and it is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, and also help to keep blood vessels healthy and flexible.
Also fish can help in lowering the cholesterol and using of olive oils, foods fortified with plant sterols or stanols.
These are just examples of foods to eat to lower cholesterol. And there are many ways that can help you in lowering your cholesterol.
But you should always bear in mind that every single day, you must eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables, which are naturally high in fiber and low in fat.
Foods high in fiber content are apples with peel, pear with skin, strawberries, spinach or peas and bran cereal, all varies of bran.
But if you dont have enough money to buy then you should always have an alternative solution to help lower cholesterol like doing exercises such as walking or jogging.
These are basic but very helpful exercise that can also help you. Another thing is to select the food that you will be eating as well as drink more water.
Listed above are the foods to eat to lower cholesterol. You should always bear in mind that the one who could help on your problem is only you.
Just remember to eat healthy foods. A healthy diet equals a healthy heart, a healthy you.
Discipline yourself! Eat only healthy foods to live longer and enjoy life to the fullest
source : http://ezinearticles.com/?Foods-For-Reducing-Cholesterol&id=1614484
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Low Cholesterol Foods
By Mike J Johnson
Have you had your cholesterol checked lately? Many people don't know their cholesterol levels or what natural low cholesterol foods are available to help control bad cholesterol. You might be asking what exactly is cholesterol and why should it be controlled? Very good question, read below.
What is Cholesterol?
Without going into great detail cholesterol is a fatty substance made naturally by the body for use in cell membranes and hormones. A certain amount is needed to maintain health, but when too much is produced it becomes a concern for heart health. When given your "Total Cholesterol" number it is a summary of different types of fats circulating in the body. A healthy amount of cholesterol for a average person should be less than or equal to 200 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL).
Types of Cholesterol
* Good Cholesterol - High-density lipoprotein Cholesterol (HDL-C) protects against heart disease by removing "bad" cholesterol. Men should work to achieve greater than or equal to 40 mg/dL, while women should work towards greater than or equal to 50 mg/dL. We'll discuss how to increase levels of good cholesterol (HDL-C) later in this article
* Bad Cholesterol - Low-density lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL-C) is caused by a persons genetics and their diet. An average human should aim for less than 130 mg/dL (less than 100 mg/dL for those diagnosed with diabetes or heart disease). Maintaining a healthy weight and limiting the intake of saturated and trans fat can help keep your LDL-C levels low.
* Triglycerides are another major component of blood lipids. Unlike the two listed above triglycerides are formed when excess nutrients (excess calories from protein, carbohydrates, fat, etc) are stored as fat. You should work to maintain less than 150 mg/dL
People who have high cholesterol levels are more at risk at having heart disease, liver disease and many other illnesses. You can work to lower your cholesterol by exercising regularly and eating a correct amount of Low Cholesterol Foods.
Low Cholesterol Foods
1. LEAN MEATS - rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and micro-nutrients
1. Lean cuts of red meats
2. Lean chicken/turkey meats
3. fish (Excellent Source of Omega -3)
2. VEGETABLES - low in calorie-content, high in dietary fiber & dietary nutrient, minerals and vitamins such as vitamins C, E and K, vitamin B-complex, etc
3. GRAINS - high-energy content, high dietary fiber content (Note, start your day with oatmeal. Experts agree this is one of the top cholesterol-lowering super foods.)
4. NUTS AND SEEDS - Large amounts of vitamins, minerals, high in dietary fiber, low in calorie-content
5. FRUITS - low in calorie content, large amounts of vitamins & nutrients
Fighting diseases and building healthier immune systems is an on-going battle in the United States. The first step in combating the affects of high cholesterol is to know your count. I recommend scheduling a physical with your doctor and requesting a cholesterol check plus purchasing a inexpensive cholesterol monitor to periodically check your cholesterol levels. I also recommend stocking your pantry and refrigerator with Low Cholesterol Foods mentioned above. Your health is important and you are in control; take control now.
source : http://ezinearticles.com/?Low-Cholesterol-Foods&id=1495111
Sunday, June 22, 2008
The Cholesterol Connection
Cholesterol counts. Make no mistake about it. If you have high cholesterol levels in your blood, you have a greater chance of having a heart attack; eat a lot of calories, saturated fat, and cholesterol, and you're very likely to have a high blood cholesterol count.
And, according to a consensus conference held by the National Institutes of Health in December 1984, "The blood cholesterol level of most Americans is undesirably high." The experts said that high levels are due largely to too many calories and too much cholesterol and saturated fat in the diet. (Saturated fat, usually hard at room temperature, is found more often in animal products--such as meat, milk and egg yolks--than in plant products.)
Men usually have higher cholesterol counts than women. Women have more of a desirable type of cholesterol called HDLs (for high-density lipoproteins), as opposed to the villainous LDLs (low-density lipoproteins), the kind associated with heart problems. In part because of their higher HDL counts, women have about one-third the chance of developing heart disease compared to men.
Blood cholesterol levels are measured in milligrams per deciliter (a tenth of a liter, or about three ounces). Blood cholesterol levels tend to rise with age in this country, perhaps because of the large amounts of saturated fats we consume. Generally speaking, any count below 200 milligrams is considered safe; and persons 40 years and older with blood cholesterol above 260 are at high risk and should be treated.
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute says that people with blood cholesterol over 260 have four times the risk of developing heart disease as those with a level of 190 or lower.
Public health officials are concerned that the public hasn't taken the warning about the cholesterol connection to heart, so to speak.
The NIH consensus statement recommends that all Americans over the age of 2 adopt a diet that reduces fat and cholesterol intake. Health experts note that few people bother to have their cholesterol and triglyceride levels checked regularly. They would like people to know their current cholesterol levels as well as, or (for those poor in arithmetic) better than, their checkbook balances, and they would like physicians to make measuring blood cholesterol a regular practice with their patients.
Cholesterol and triglyceride levels can sometimes be controlled by drugs. However, the side effects from the drugs are often quite bothersome. Further, an American Medical Association report recommends diet therapy be tried first, saying it is more effective.
And, the report adds, "Diet therapy is generally safer than drug therapy and, when successful, may preclude it."
While diet therapy seeks to lower LDL levels in the blood, studies show that exercise helps to increase the ratio of HDLs in the bloodstream. It is believed that HDLs help rid the body of cholesterol. HDL levels are expressed in proportion to LDL levels; a ratio of at least 1 to 3 is considered desirable.
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute is launching a multi-million-dollar, long-term public education program to help Americans become more familiar with their blood cholesterol levels and reduce their fat and cholesterol intakes. Americans consume some 300 to 500 milligrams of cholesterol a day, down from 700 milligrams a few years ago.
The experts would like to see us cut that average to no more than 300 milligrams a day. A reduction in total fat consumption is also recommended. Today we consume about 40 percent of our calories in fat. The experts want us to reduce that intake to 30 percent fat and to decrease the amount coming from saturated fat.
An analysis of diet information compiled between 1976 and 1980 by the National Center for Health Statistics gives some indication of where we get our cholesterol. The study, headed by Gladys Block, Ph.D., of the National Center Institute, found that one-third comes from eggs (the average egg has 270 milligrams).
Other leading sources were: beef steaks and beef roasts, more than 8 percent; hamburgers, cheeseburgers and meatloaf. more than 7; whole milk and whole milk beverages, more than 5; hot dogs, ham and lunch meats, over 4 percent; and pork chops and roasts, better than 3 percent of our daily cholesterol intake.
Block and her associates figured that ground beef meals (hamburgers, cheeseburgers and meat loaf) contributed the most saturated fat to the diet (9.3 percent of the total saturated fat consumed in a day), followed closely by whole milk and whole milk products (9.1 percent).
Slightly less than half the saturated fat in the diet, they calculated, came from the following foods: ground beef; milk; beef steaks and roasts; hot dogs, ham and lunch meats; doughnuts, cookies and cake; eggs; pork, including chops and roasts; and butter.
Some trade-offs are involved in a heart-healthy diet. Beef liver, for example, is high in cholesterol--440 milligrams for a 3-1/2-ounce serving, but the American Heart Association recommends eating it at least once a month because of high levels of beneficial nutrients
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Low Cholesterol Diet
by Peter Emerson
Nowadays, cholesterol is becoming a real threat to many people.
The main reason behind this is that people tend to consume more products that are rich in saturated fats, such as whole milk dairy products, poultry, and egg yolks.
Additionally, most people also rely on food chains for their daily diet or perhaps on processed foods, especially if their schedule is too hectic to accommodate home cooking.
So if you are one of these people who love to eat these kinds of foods, it’s time to reassess your diet and start eating a low-cholesterol diet.
The low-cholesterol diet is a diet low in saturated fat, which helps lower your cholesterol level and protect you from various heart diseases.
The foods that should be included in this diet are fat-free dairy products, lean meats, fish and shellfish, skinless poultry, and whole-grain foods.
Fresh fruits and green vegetables, especially when combined with large quantities of olive oil and monostaturates, should also be included because these are rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for your body and reduce your risk for high cholesterol.
In addition to these, certain foods that contain plant stanols or plant sterols such as cholesterol-lowering margarines and salad dressings can also be added to your diet to boost your body’s LDL-lowering power.
Meanwhile, foods that are high in cholesterol and saturated fats should only be eaten in moderation. If possible, these should not be included in your diet.
Avoid liver and other organ meats, egg yolks, full-fat dairy products, high-fat processed meats, and fried foods.
Limiting the intake of these foods can greatly reduce your cholesterol levels and decrease your chances of developing heart disease, as well as protect you from future heart attacks.
A simple low-cholesterol diet is a big help to you, but only if you observe and follow these guidelines regularly.
Remember that your health is in your hands
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Basic Information About Cholesterol
by Lindsay Fox
Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance that is found in every cell of the body. It is involved in the production of cell membranes, some hormones, vitamin D, bile acids, and other tissues in the body. It also insulates nerves. Cholesterol is produced in the liver, but we also get cholesterol from our diet.
The amount of cholesterol in the body depends on factors such as the rate of cholesterol production in the liver, the rate of cholesterol clearance from the body, the amount of dietary fat (particularly saturated fat) and to a lesser extent, cholesterol consumed.
The excess cholesterol in our body circulates in the bloodstream. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can clog blood vessels and increase the risk fro heart disease and stroke.
Different types of Cholesterol
- Low-Density Lipoprotein (or LDL) cholesterol is a bad type of cholesterol that is most likely to clog blood vessels, increasing you risk for heart disease.
- High-Density Lipoprotein (or HDL) cholesterol is a good type of cholesterol. HDL cholesterol helps clear the LDL cholesterol out of the blood and reduces your risk for heart disease.
Cholesterol & Heart Disease
High cholesterol is one of the major contributors to heart disease. Research strongly indicates that lowering of cholesterol leads to a drop in the occurrence of heart disease.
The main reason for this is because with less blood cholesterol, there is less plaque formation within the arterial walls.
This will reduce the chances or an artery becoming blocked and causing a heart attack or stroke.
Also, blood will flow through arteries with greater ease and this can lower blood pressure.
Reasons which lead to a Rise in Cholesterol:
- Poor eating habits
- Smoking
- Excess weight or Obesity
- Heredity factor
- Daily Stress
- Over Alcohol consumption
Ways to control or lessen Cholesterol:
Good eating habits
It is very important to follow good eating habits in order to lower your cholesterol.
Regular exercising
Experts recommend at least 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity five days a week for at least 12 weeks for significant cholesterol reduction.
Weight loss and maintaining it
You can lower your LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and elevate your HDL (“good cholesterol”) just by dropping some pounds
source :
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Switching To A Low Cholesterol Diet
Who doesn't crave for health? Who doesn't want to have his sandwich with an extra layer of mayonnaise without caring about the girth around the waist? And who doesn't want to stop thinking about what to eat and what not to?
Surely, in addition to all that, we also want to have rippling muscles.
But leave that for later because in today's hectic life it's difficult to find time and energy for a regular jog, let alone pumping iron Arnie style.
If I were to advise adopting a healthy lifestyle I am sure it would sound like an oft-suggested-never-followed kind of an advise, which it surely is.
But the fact is, nothing helps better than a healthy lifestyle with some form of regular physical activity thrown in.
It not only keeps one fit but also helps reduce one's risk of disease, especially heart ailments. Cholesterol is considered to be the erring element.
One of the effective ways to reduce blood cholesterol is to combine regular physical activity with low cholesterol diet.
A diet with low cholesterol may include foods with high fiber and vitamin content, and must be low on fat.
Now going low on fat does not mean that you shun fat altogether because fat is an important requirement for the healthy functioning of the body.
They help the body in digestion and excretion.As indicated earlier, a low fat diet alone will not be sufficient to substantially reduce your chances of a heart stroke.
For that you must exercise a bit. This is not to say that you join the fancy neighborhood gym. Exercise may just comprise of half an hour of brisk walking or light jogging in the morning or in the evening.
Mornings are better because at that time the air has more oxygen which is healthy for every single cell in your body.
That's the reason why nothing matches a morning of vigorous activity.
Cut down on smoking and if possible quit it. Moderate drinking may not be harmful but if you tend to get carried away and often cross the delicate boundary between light and heavy drinking, it's better that you keep clear of alcohol altogether.
For those who have a family history of cholesterol related problems it is important to be extra cautious, as they are more likely to have cholesterol accumulation.
Switching to a low cholesterol diet helps one reduce one's chances of a stroke and pumps more life in every second of life. What more could one ask for
Why Is Hdl Cholesterol Considered Good
While cholesterol has been a health concern for many years, researchers are just beginning to learn about the so called good and bad cholesterol.
In fact, it seems it is almost as important to raise your good cholesterol as it is to lower your bad cholesterol.
To understand why it is important to raise your good cholesterol, you must first understand its function.
Once you understand how important this good cholesterol is for you, you may want to learn some proven ways to raise your levels of good cholesterol.
This Cholesterol Causes Heart DiseaseFirst, good cholesterol's technical name is high density lipoprotein or HDL cholesterol.
Second, cholesterol in itself it neither good nor bad, it depends on which type carrier the cholesterol happens to be.
With HDL cholesterol, this cholesterol is being taken away from the heart and arteries to the liver where the cholesterol is broken down and excreted from the body
Bad cholesterol, on the other hand, is the type that builds up in your arteries and causes heart disease and heart attack.
Some researchers believe the HDL cholesterol not only carries cholesterol away from your heart, but may help clean bad cholesterol out of your arteries.
Ideally, you should try to raise your good cholesterol level if you want to have a healthy heart. A high HDL cholesterol level is considered to be 60 mg/dl or above.
If you can reach this level of 60 mg/dl or above, researchers believe you can offset other causes that put you at risk for heart disease.
While 60 mg/dl is a good level to aim for, you should have at least 30 mg/dl or above if you are a woman or 40 mg/dl or above if you are a man.
Drinking Your Way to HDL Cholesterol If your HDL cholesterol level is not as high as you would like for it to be, you are in luck, there are some steps you can take to increase your good cholesterol level.
These include getting more aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise includes walking, jogging, swimming and bike riding. Losing weight can also help to increase your levels of good cholesterol.
You should also stop smoking and cut Trans fatty acids out of your diet. Trans fatty acids are found in prepackaged foods and fried fast foods.
Another way to raise your HDL cholesterol is to have a drink or two each day.
While too much alcohol can be bad for your heart, scientists have found that 1-2 drinks daily can raise your HDL cholesterol. Adding more soluble fiber to your diet can also help to raise your good cholesterol.
Healthy Choices To Lower Your Cholesterol
Heart disease and stroke are often triggered by high cholesterol in the blood. Lowering your cholesterol for some is just a matter of changing your diet.
Others may need to diet and the help of medications prescribed by their doctor.
Either way, lowering your cholesterol can save your life.Changing your diet to lose weight is not the same as changing your diet to control your cholesterol level.
While losing weight will certainly improve your health, you also need to monitor your diet to exclude foods that are causing your high cholesterol levels.
Monitoring your diet does not mean giving up all the foods you love.
Many foods are healthy and good for you. For instance, a good variety of fruits and vegetables (with five or more servings per day), grain products like bread, cereal, rice, and pasta (choose six or more servings per day).
In addition, lean meats and poultry ( without skin and up to 6 ounces per day), fat-free and low fat milk , beans and peas , nuts and seeds in limited amounts, and fatty fish ( which can be baked or broiled , but limited to 2-3 servings per week ).
You should use vegetable oils like olive oil or corn oil when preparing your foods. There is also a large assortment of spices to give your food that extra pizzazz.
There are a number of foods you should omit from your diet if you want to lower your cholesterol. Whole milk and ice cream should be avoided.
Additionally, butter, egg yolks, and cheese and foods that include them should be removed from your diet.
Finally, organ meats like liver, high-fat processed meats (like sausage and hot dogs), and limit your intake of fried foods.Eating healthier involves knowing how to prepare your foods and changing your diet.
If you are not able to lower your cholesterol by diet and exercise alone, your doctor may have to prescribe medication.
Dieting and eating healthier to lower your cholesterol will improve your quality of life and significantly reduce your risk of other health problems.
High cholesterol is a serious health problem, and you can take action to avoid further health complications.
Confusion Between Fat And Cholesterol
It appears that many people still confuse with fat and cholesterol in diet. A friend of mine once told me that peanut has no fat but it has cholesterol.
Very often, people voice their concern and make some confusing statement, such as don’t take coconut milk, it is high in cholesterol.
High blood cholesterol has been identified as a major risk factor for heart disease, which causes many people to avoid cholesterol from foods.
Many have confusingly argued that a low-fat diet is also low in cholesterol, which can be considered only half right.
What is cholesterol? It is a fat-like substance. It is definitely not a fat as its chemical structure is different from fat and it functions differently from fats.
Cholesterol is part of all body cells, some hormones as well as bile (which helps the body to digest and absorb fat in the digestive tract).
Cholesterol in the blood comes from two sources: liver and food. Liver is the factory that produces almost all cholesterol required in the body.
Cholesterol can only be found in foods of animal origin but fat exists in nearly all foods. Plants do not produce cholesterol as they do not have livers.
The good (HDL) or bad (LDL) cholesterol do not relate to food, they only refer to those in our body. Cholesterol in diet may raise blood cholesterol level for some people, but fats in diet definitely have a much significant effect, especially the saturated fats.
Fat is nutrient that human need as it provides essential fatty acids which body cannot produce and helps carry fat-soluble vitamins (such A, D, E, K) in the blood. Fat also produces energy (or calories) needed for physical activities as well as the basic body metabolism.
When consumed excessively, however, fat contributes to weight gain.There are three types of fats, namely saturated, unsaturated, and poly fats.
You can refer to my article tiled "A Simple Way to Understand Fats". Scientific studies showed that high fat diet is a possible cause of heart disease.
Saturated fat increases blood cholesterol levels and builds up deposits on the arteries while unsaturated fat helps to lower blood cholesterol levels and reduces the cholesterol deposits on the arteries.
Trans fat found in vegetable oils has almost the same effect as saturated fat, except that they not only increase LDL but also lower HDL.The best way to avoid heart disease is to cut down unwanted fats and cholesterol from your diet
Vitamins Help To Lower Cholesterol
Vitamins help to lower cholesterol are now a proven fact. This kind of over-the-counter supplement contains no chemicals of any type.
It is a natural method in achieving lower cholesterol without negative side effects or prolonged issues.
Doctors have been providing chemical medication for this condition for as long as possible. They are beginning to realize this type of cure is only hindering a person's ability to actually maintain a healthy system.
There are several kinds of vitamins that can greatly reduce cholesterol and be healthy as well. An individual may have been battling with this problem for many years without a solid solution.
Each person's body controls their issues differently. Some doctor prescribed medication may seem to be doing the trick. Nevertheless, the more chemicals that are placed in the body the more out of whack it may become.
Every person desires to have an overall collective healthy immune system. They want to live longer and stay with their loved ones.
With these vitamins help to lower cholesterol, an individual will be able to do that without worry on what the chemicals are doing to their body.
There are several types of vitamins that a person can achieve that will assist them greatly in achieving lower cholesterol without damaging other parts of their body.
There are vitamins in pill format that a person can obtain and take daily to assist in an over-all more healthy body and immune system.
Cholest-response is a vitamin designed to directly lower the cholesterol in one's body. This can be found throughout the internet and at local health foods stores or supermarket.
Niacin is another supplement that has been proven effectively to reduce the bad cholesterol in one's system. This type of supplement is extraordinary for individual's that do not wish to add unnatural chemicals into their body.
Red Yeast Rice is a supplement that is designed to lower cholesterol safely and effectively. Every individual can find this type of vitamins throughout health food stores around the internet.
There are various herbal medications that are safe and effective for this type of problem. It is vital to read all the information that is provided and talk to a person's doctor before beginning this type of control
Garlic is believed to be the cure-all vitamin of the century. This can be eating in large amounts on food and even taken in a vitamin pill format.
Everyone enjoys garlic on their foods; however a person may not be receiving all the benefits from this alone. An individual will be able to find garlic supplements in their health foods stores or supermarkets.
Almonds are a fantastic method in a lower cholesterol solution.
They not only taste fantastic and go with every meal type from main course to deserts; they will also assist an individual in reducing unwanted issues from their systems.
Oatmeal not only tastes fantastic, warms the body up on cold days and fills the stomach; this meal that everyone loves is filled with vitamins that can lower cholesterol. Various types of beans are proven to lower cholesterol without massive side-effects.
If a person eats these 2 to 4 times a week, the body will show signs of improvement. Foods that have an abundance of vitamins B, C and E will assist a person in lower cholesterol that is unhealthy.
These foods can included but are not limited to oranges, peppers, broccoli and strawberries.There are various side-effects and issues that are associated with prescribed medication.
These pills can begin to develop liver issues, stomach problems and immune system breakdown. It is vital to lower cholesterol for an over-all happy and healthy body.
Vitamins can do with just as well if not better than all prescription drugs on the market. Every person can enjoy the vitamins inside the supplements or their favorite foods.
An individual can located valuable information on the internet concerning the types of vitamins an individual needs to lower their cholesterol and to manage it for the future.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Cholesterol: Good Or Bad
These days when it comes to your diet it seems that everything is free... not in the sense that it costs nothing; rather that it is free of something that you don't need anyway.
On your next trip to buy groceries, take a look at just about any product and see what they are offering for free.You've got all kinds of choices of fat free yogurt, look at all your choices of fat free foods, oils that are cholesterol free, and on and on.
Don't get me wrong... this is not necessarily a bad trend. We all know that we have to be more concious about what we put into our bodies.
But, let us not assume that everything that is free is therefore also healthy. Our bodies need a variety of compounds in order to completely function at a healthy level.
Take cholesterol for example. Very simply put, cholesterol is a fatty substance that occurs naturally in your body.
It is a product of the liver that is enabled by foods that you eat that are rich in saturated fat.If you've heard anything these days about cholesterol you've probably heard the terms 'good cholesterol' and 'bad cholesterol'.
Just as the terms imply there is the cholesterol that your body needs to function and there is the cholesterol that if present in too high of levels can damage your blood vessels and lead to heart problems or stroke.
Cholesterol - At a glance:Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) is the "bad" cholesterol. Think of the 'L' being low life or bad. This is the substance in which cholesterol is carried into the blood and is the primary cause of the fatty build up that causes problems in the arteries.
High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is the “good” cholesterol. Think of the 'H' as being the happy cholesterol or good natured. This cholesterol carries the cholesterol back to the liver where it can be filtered for elimination and prevent the build up in the arteries.
Essentially what you should know is that your body does need cholesterol. It is used to repair cells, to produce hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, and is converted to aid in digestion.
So, you don't want to just arbitrarily jump on a complete cholesterol free diet. As with any dietary consideration and change you should work with your healthcare provider to arrive at the best and healthiest long term solution
Reduce Your Cholesterol With Natural Supplements
Because of the great efforts of the American Heart Association and other similar organizations, we have gained a lot of knowledge on cholesterol and its effects on our health. We know that high cholesterol levels increase our risk for heart attacks and strokes. We also know that lowering our cholesterol levels will reduce this risk and keep our hearts and blood vessels healthy. Additionally, we know that diet, weight loss, and exercise can help us lower our cholesterol levels. Prescription drugs that lower cholesterol have recently become available and advertised by pharmaceutical companies. However, these medications have some serious side effects including myopathy, reduction in CoQ10 levels, which can lead to heart disease, and rhabdomyaolysis, a rare, but fatal condition. Fortunately, there is a safe alternative to these prescription medications, pantethine and plant sterols, which are also known as phytosterols, are nature’s solution to high cholesterol levels
Cholesterol, a soft, waxy, fat-like substance, is found in every cell of the body. It is needed to help digest fats, strengthen cell membranes, insulate nerves, and make hormones. Made primarily by the liver, our body makes all the cholesterol that we actually need, but we also get additional cholesterol from the foods that we eat. The highest sources of cholesterol are egg yolks and organ meats including liver and kidney. Peanut butter, avocado, and all other plant-derived foods contain no cholesterol. However, all foods from animal sources do contain cholesterol. Even though cholesterol is responsible for many important functions in the body, too much cholesterol in the bloodstream can be very dangerous. Once blood cholesterol has reached high levels, it builds up on artery walls, and therefore increases the risk of blood clots, heart attack, and stroke. Because the heart is a muscle, it needs a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients. The bloodstream, which transports these nutrients to the heart through coronary arteries, cannot transport the oxygen if the arteries become narrowed or clogged by cholesterol and fat deposits. Depending on the severity, this can result in coronary heart disease, angina, or heart attack.
Because cholesterol and other fats can’t dissolve in the blood, they can’t travel on their own. Instead, they are transported to and from cells by special carriers called lipoproteins. There are two major lipoproteins: low density lipoproteins (LDL) or “bad” cholesterol, and high density lipoproteins (HDL) or “good” cholesterol. LDLs cause atherosclerosis because they clog up our arteries with the continual buildup of fat. On the other hand, HDL prevents fat buildup by carrying it away from the arteries to the liver, where it can be processed and eliminated.
Triglycerides, which are fats used as fuel by the body, can make the blood more sluggish and less capable of transporting oxygen when in high amounts. There are many medications prescribed by physicians for people with elevated triglyceride levels. Some of the most effective, and most harmful, are the statins. The all-natural combination of pantethine and plant sterols can safely lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol levels, while increasing HDL cholesterol
Pantethine, which is a form of pantothenic acid that is found in liver, salmon, and yeast, is known for its ability to lower cholesterol by blocking its production. The production of cholesterol in the human body is a very complex process, involving many biochemical reactions and enzyme activity. Pantethine inhibits several of these enzymes, blocking the activity of those coenzymes involved in cholesterol synthesis by about 50%. To compensate for the lowered cholesterol production, the liver pulls LDL out of the bloodstream, resulting in a lower total cholesterol level.
Plant sterols, which are the fats of plants, are found in nuts, vegetable oils, corn, and rice. They are structurally very similar to cholesterol and are therefore able to act as a stand in for cholesterol and block its absorption, causing it to be eventually excreted. If we eat enough plant sterols, the amount of cholesterol transported from the intestinal tract to the liver is greatly reduced. And, just like pantethine’s effect on the liver, this cholesterol reduction causes the liver to pull LDL cholesterol out of the blood, which reduces both total and LDL cholesterol levels.
Because the plant sterol and pantethine found in food just aren’t enough to have much of an effect on our health, we need to take a concentrated combination of pantethine and plant sterols in just the right ratio. Plant sterols, which are bound in fibers in the plants, can not be adequately consumed even if we ate lots of raw fruits and vegetables. There are also several forms of plant sterols, with some ratios of these plant sterols being more beneficial than others. While pantethine is found in several food sources, it is hard to get beneficial amounts from our food. Manufacturers of high quality nutritional supplements offer pantethine and plant sterols in the most beneficial ratio, proven by research. The best results are found when taking a combination of 400 mg of plant sterols and 200 mg of pantethine three times a day. Recent studies have shown that lowering cholesterol in people without heart disease can greatly reduce their risk for ever developing CHD, along with heart attacks and atherosclerosis. This is also true for those with high cholesterol levels and for those with average cholesterol levels. Most physicians would never consider prescribing statin drugs to people without actual heart disease or high cholesterol levels because of the many health risks of the drugs. However, the combination of pantethine and plant sterols are very effective in helping those people with heart disease, high cholesterol levels, high triglyceride levels, as well as those just wanting the extra health insurance for their hearts. Pantethine and plant sterols are both very safe. Although some people may experience a mild upset stomach when first taking pantethine, taking the combination of pantethine and plant sterols with meals can usually solve this problem. Pantethine and plant sterols are available at your local or internet vitamin store
Heart Disease And Cholesterol
The medical community has long believed that high cholesterol levels are linked to heart disease. Few will dispute this belief, but there are other factors that can lead to severe and even fatal heart conditions.
Medical experts who took part in the Framingham Heart Study determined that high blood cholesterol is one of the factors leading to coronary heart disease or CHD.
Results of this study showed that people with higher cholesterol levels were also more likely to have coronary heart disease. In fact, it's unusual for people with low cholesterol to suffer from CHD.
The connection between high blood cholesterol and heart disease was also confirmed by another group of experts, whose studies showed that lowering the total LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) level could drastically reduce coronary heart disease.
A recent series of cholesterol trials using statin drugs showed that lowering both total and LDL cholesterol levels could greatly reduce the chance of experiencing heart attack, angioplasty (a surgical bypass) or death due to coronary heart disease-related causes.
Other factors, in addition to high cholesterol levels, can increase the risk of developing heart disease. Some of these factors can be lowered with relatively simple diet, medication or lifestyle changes, but others cannot be altered.
As you present more combined risk factors, you face a greater likelihood of experiencing heart disease.
The greatest unchangeable risk factors are as follows:
* Age (55 and over for women, 45 and over for men)
* Family medical history. If you have parents or a sibling who died from heart disease at the ages stated above, you face a higher risk
There are some risk factors that you have the power to change.
They are:
* High total cholesterol and high LDL or "bad" cholesterol poses a risk. You can also lower your HDL or "good" cholesterol levels
* Reduce your blood pressure
* Quit smoking
* Manage your diabetes. Diabetics face a higher risk of developing heart disease
* Take part in physical activity
* Lose weight. Obesity and excess weight increases your riskIf you possess one or more of these high-risk factors, see your physician for ways to take action and reduce the risk of heart attack.
Some experts insist that high blood cholesterol and heart disease are somewhat connected. Others, on the other hand, hold that too much animal fat resulting in high cholesterol contributes to heart disease.
These experts argue that there is no such thing as "good" and "bad" cholesterol.
They believe that mental stress, physical activity and a change in body weight may influence the level of the blood cholesterol, and that high blood cholesterol is not dangerous but simply a reflection of an unhealthy condition.
While the experts may disagree on the factors of cholesterol and heart disease, everyone can agree that we all need to reduce our risks and increase our quality of life
High Cholesterol Something We Can Change
by Lac Tran
High cholesterol levels are mainly caused by our bodies’ inability to deal with high-fat diets. Humans exercised regularly and consumed a low-fat diet for millennia.
We now have easy access to fatty and high cholesterol foods, and often our lives are sedentary. The result - 1 in 3 people in the US have high cholesterol - is inevitable.High cholesterol raises your chances of getting coronary heart disease.
If you lower cholesterol, you lower the overall risk for developing heart disease or having a heart attack
If you have high cholesterol levels, cholesterol can be deposited in your coronary arteries as a plaque, where it constricts the flow of blood and contributes to coronary heart disease.
When you lower cholesterol, you can slow, stop, and reverse the buildup of plaque. When you lower cholesterol, you also reduce your risk of a heart attack.
Even in people who have already suffered a heart attack, the chances of having future attacks can be substantially reduced if they lower cholesterol.
Cholesterol is a fat-like substance, a kind of lipid packaged inside a lipoprotein that your body needs to produce certain hormones, digestive bile, and vitamin D.
A large amount of brain tissue is made up of cholesterol as it insulates the nerves. You need cholesterol to live.There are two main types of cholesterol: LDL, or low density lipoprotein (also called “bad” cholesterol), and HDL, or high density lipoprotein (also called “good” cholesterol).
If you want to lower cholesterol, you look at the total of LDL added to HDL, but you also look at individual levels of LDL and HDL. *You want to lower LDL and total cholesterol, and raise HDL.
Often people with high cholesterol also have high triglycerides, another type of lipid. Lifestyle changes that lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides as well, and all this together improves overall health.
To discover whether you need to lower cholesterol, you need a “fasting lipid profile,” or cholesterol test. Ask your physician for a test if you think you may have high cholesterol.
There are 10 good ways to lower cholesterol:
1. Reduce weight if you are overweight.
2. Eat six or more meals/snacks in small portions and well-spaced throughout the day.
3. Eat monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as canola and olive oils, nuts and seeds.
4. Eat legumes, low- or non-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other high-fiber foods.
5. Reduce saturated-fat foods such as meats, cheese, butter, baked goods, fried foods; high cholesterol foods such as butter, cheese, and meats; trans-fat foods such as processed foods with partially hydrogenated and hydrogenated oils.
6. Fast three hours before bedtime.
7. Drink lots of water.
8. Exercise daily to manage stress
9. Follow your doctor’s advice regarding medication.
10. Take supplements that lower cholesterol.
Heart disease kills more men and women in the U.S. than any other disease. Over one million Americans have heart attacks annually; half a million people die from heart disease.
The 1994 study, “Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study,” found that lowering cholesterol can prevent heart attacks and reduce death in men and women who already have heart disease and high cholesterol.
High cholesterol is usually something we can change, and during the process of change we become healthier.
Plant Fats Reduce Cholesterol
New research published last October in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association suggests that patients with high cholesterol who are take high-dose statin drugs may reduce the damage to their hearts by supplementing their diets with foods rich in plant sterols.
High cholesterol -- hypercholesterolaemia –causes cardiovascular disease. Heart disease causes 50 percent of deaths in Europe, and costs the EU $202 billion each year
The new research confirms previous studies by claiming that patients with high cholesterol can reduce their cholesterol levels by 8 to 17 percent by consuming 1.5 to 3 grams of plant sterols or stanols every day, which translates to a reduction in the risk of heart disease.
Researchers from the University Medical Centre Utrecht and the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands studied 20 hypercholesterolaemic patients who took the daily maximum dose of statin drugs -- atorvastatin or simvastatin, 80 mg.
The study split the participants into two groups: the first received 3 grams of plant stanol-enriched margarine per day (Johnson & Johnson brand Benecol) for six weeks, and the second group received stanol-free margarine each day for six weeks.
Both margarines contained 62 percent fat. At the end of the trial, the group given stanol-enriched margarine had a 9.9 percent reduction in plasma cholesterol and a 15.6 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol. Their levels of apolipoprotein B (ApoB) -- responsible for transporting cholesterol to tissues -- dropped by 10.8 percent.
Conversely, the control group only experienced a 7.7 percent reduction in LDL cholesterol levels. Total cholesterol remained the same, and ApoB levels fell by 6.8 percent. "Intensive dietary intervention with addition of plant stanols results in clinically relevant reduction of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in patients optimally treated with statins, compared with similar patients on statins receiving only standard care," the researchers wrote.
Mike Adams, author of "Grocery Warning," says this research should indicate to patients that plant stanols and sterols can actually replace statin drugs
"Statin drugs are dangerous chemicals that can produce extremely harmful -- even fatal -- side effects," Adams said. "Replacing them with plant-based medicines under the care of a naturopathic physician can greatly improve the health of patients while greatly reducing the cost of their treatment." Source: Newtarget.com
Some of these cholesterol lowering drugs have negative side effects such as memory loss, muscle fatigue, CoQ10 deficiency, vitamin D deficiency, sex hormone depletion and adrenal depletion.
This research confirms what naturalists have been telling the health industry for a decade. It is not eating fat that increases cholesterol. Eating animal fat increases cholesterol. In fact, switching from animal fat to plant fat can actually lower cholesterol.
Plant fats from avocados, almonds, pecans, peanuts, chia seeds, olive oil, coconut oil, macadamia nut oil, and so on. If it's from the plant world, the fat is good for you – in moderation.
The trick is to eat ‘raw’ fats, not cooked fats. One serving of raw almonds a day can reduce the risk of heart attacks or stroke by 53 percent, according to the research quoted by Mike Adams.
And raw nuts and seeds offer plenty of calcium, to replace dairy products. Chia seeds and almonds are both good sources of calcium.
The medical community is working toward finding healthy methods of lowering cholesterol but self-empowerment and personal responsibility is still the defining factor in survival rates
Useful Link
Blog Archive
- Switching To A Low Cholesterol Diet
- Why Is Hdl Cholesterol Considered Good
- Healthy Choices To Lower Your Cholesterol
- Confusion Between Fat And Cholesterol
- Vitamins Help To Lower Cholesterol
- Cholesterol: Good Or Bad
- Reduce Your Cholesterol With Natural Supplements
- Heart Disease And Cholesterol
- High Cholesterol Something We Can Change
- Plant Fats Reduce Cholesterol