Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How Diet And Exercise Affects My Cholesterol Level

How Diet And Exercise Affects My Cholesterol Level

Cholesterol. We hear a lot about it, most of it simply you have to lower your cholesterol levels or you will get heart disease but there is a bit more to this substance that needs to be learned in order to truly understand what it does, why we need it, and why we dont need too much of it.

First of all, cholesterol is a vital substance that our body produces and we need it to maintain our health. We need it make vitamin D, build cell walls, and create a type of bile salt that is needed to help us digest food. The thing is, our bodies make all the cholesterol we need, about 1000 milligrams that is produced by our liver. So, if our bodies make cholesterol, where does the excess come from? Of course, the food we eat.

All animals produce cholesterol, so the more animal protein and fat we eat (this includes products made from cows milks such as cheese and butter) the more cholesterol our bodies get. You may have heard of good and bad cholesterol, well, heres how that works&

Ldl, or low density lipoproteins, are the bad kind. Although we need some of this, this is the kind that can build up on the walls of our blood vessels and cause blockages leading to heart disease, and potentially heart attacks. Hdl, or high density lipoproteins, are the good kind. Hdl actually moves cholesterol back to the liver where it can be processed and removed from the body, therefore the more hdl you have, the better your body is able to regulate the health levels of cholesterol in the body.
So, how does exercise come into play?

The fact of the matter is, exercise, intense regular exercise, helps to generate more hdl by the liver. Therefore, the more you exercise, the higher your levels of hdl, and the lower your overall cholesterol levels. In addition, by increasing your heart rate and blood flow in your vessels and arteries by intense exercise, it is less likely that ldl levels will build up as plaque will occur.

It needs to be said, and said again and again that these processes can occur in the body very quickly, so it is vital that you stick with a consistent and very rigorous exercise routine. So many people think that their weekly backyard football game with the guys is enough, but it is not. You need as much as 45 minute to an hour of exercise everyday to truly affect the levels of cholesterol in your body. In addition, by limiting the amounts of animal fats and proteins you take in on a regular basis, you make the negative not as hard to counteract.

Now for the bad news&many studies have concluded that some folks will have high cholesterol levels no matter how much exercise they do. This is because either the liver produces too much, or the cholesterol they take in builds up along the walls of blood vessels extremely quickly. It is important that you check your cholesterol levels regularly and if diet and exercise alone cannot control your levels, you should take the medication as prescribed by your doctor.

By: Emile

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Life Choices About Blood Pressure And Cholesterol

Life Choices About Blood Pressure And Cholesterol

High blood pressure or Hypertension is usually caused by narrowing of the arteries. There are two major causes of narrowing of the arteries. One is inflammation caused by hormones released into the blood stream during highly stressful activities. This is a natural response your body goes thought during stress to protect itself in the case of injury.

Some people experience this when they get a blood pressure check up. This is why if your blood pressure reads high your nurse well check it two or three times to see if the pressure is stable, or if it changes. If its stable you have high blood pressure if it fluctuates you have a case of the nerves. The second cause is high levels of blood fats known as cholesterol.

We have in our blood stream a kind if trucking system that carries sugar and fats from our liver to our cells and waist produces back from our cells to the liver. The carrying agents, or trucks, are called cholesterol. They are made buy the liver and the number and percentage of the three types of cholesterol play a big factor in the health and quality of a parsons life.

HDL cholesterol or high density lipoprotein are known as good cholesterol the larger the percentage of your overall cholesterol level that HDL cholesterol represents the better. A low level in men would be forty or lower, in women fifty or lower, and a good count would be sixty or above. High density lipoprotein can be caring large amounts of fats in your blood stream. Fat does not dissolve in your blood steam so it must be carried to and from your cells.

LDL cholesterol or low density lipoprotein is known as bad cholesterol the larger the number of these cholesterols in your blood stream the worse of you are. The optimal number is one hundred or lower. One hundred to one hundred and thirty is considered normal. One hundred and thirty to one hundred and fifty is considered borderline. One hundred and sixty to one hundred eighty are considered high. One hundred eighty to two hundred is considered very high.

Triglycerides are the most common form of fat in the blood steam and are associated with a high carbohydrate diet. These fats are also a telltale sign for a higher than normal LDL cholesterol number.

LP cholesterol is a genetic variation of LDL cholesterol and is associated with free fats in your blood stream.

The problem with having a lot of LDL, LP, and Triglycerides in your blood stream is that they cause Atherosclerosis which is the plaque buildup that causes the narrowing and hardening of your arteries. Which is the leading cause of heart attack and stroke.

There are some very important minerals and acids found in supplements that can go a long way to help prevent Atherosclerosis and controls your blood pressure. Calcium helps muscles, including your heat, to expand and contract. It also helps your nervous system to regulate your blood pressure. Magnesium found mostly in green vegetables is essential for cellular health. Malic Acid found in apples helps support magnesium absorption. It’s also an important part of the Krebs cycle which increases ATP, an enzyme that supports muscle health and growth. Chric Acid help’s in the Krebs cycle to remove carbon dioxide from your cells. It also helps maintain the alkaline levels in your body. Fighting of the acidic effects from coffee, soda and alcohol. Glycine is a non essential amino acid helpful in the production of RNA and DNA. It also helps brain function and promotes a healthy prostate gland.

These minerals and acids which promote the muscle and cellular health of your vascular system along with a low carbohydrate diet well lower your cholesterol levels and prevent the plaque buildup that causes Atherosclerosis. Exercise to strengthen your vascular system is always a good thing, but you don’t have to over do it. Feeding your vascular system what it needs and not over feeding your body what it does not need is one of those healthy life choices that we all need to make.

By: Robert Read
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Blood Pressure And Cholesterol: Healthy Choices

Blood Pressure And Cholesterol: Healthy Choices

High blood pressure or Hypertension is usually caused by narrowing of the arteries. There are two major causes of narrowing of the arteries. One is inflammation caused by hormones released into the blood stream during highly stressful activities. This is a natural response your body goes thought during stress to protect itself in the case of injury. Some people experience this when they get a blood pressure check up. This is why if your blood pressure reads high your nurse well check it two or three times to see if the pressure is stable, or if it changes. If its stable you have high blood pressure if it fluctuates you have a case of the nerves. The second cause is high levels of blood fats known as cholesterol.

We have in our blood stream a kind if trucking system that carries sugar and fats from our liver to our cells and waist produces back from our cells to the liver. The carrying agents, or trucks, are called cholesterol. They are made buy the liver and the number and percentage of the three types of cholesterol play a big factor in the health and quality of a parsons life.

HDL cholesterol or high density lipoprotein are known as good cholesterol the larger the percentage of your overall cholesterol level that HDL cholesterol represents the better. A low level in men would be forty or lower, in women fifty or lower, and a good count would be sixty or above. High density lipoprotein can be caring large amounts of fats in your blood stream. Fat does not dissolve in your blood steam so it must be carried to and from your cells.

LDL cholesterol or low density lipoprotein is known as bad cholesterol the larger the number of these cholesterols in your blood stream the worse of you are. The optimal number is one hundred or lower. One hundred to one hundred and thirty is considered normal. One hundred and thirty to one hundred and fifty is considered borderline. One hundred and sixty to one hundred eighty are considered high. One hundred eighty to two hundred is considered very high.

Triglycerides are the most common form of fat in the blood steam and are associated with a high carbohydrate diet. These fats are also a telltale sign for a higher than normal LDL cholesterol number.

LP cholesterol is a genetic variation of LDL cholesterol and is associated with free fats in your blood stream.

The problem with having a lot of LDL, LP, and Triglycerides in your blood stream is that they cause Atherosclerosis which is the plaque buildup that causes the narrowing and hardening of your arteries. Which is the leading cause of heart attack and stroke.

There are some very important minerals and acids found in supplements that can go a long way to help prevent Atherosclerosis and controls your blood pressure. Calcium helps muscles, including your heat, to expand and contract. It also helps your nervous system to regulate your blood pressure. Magnesium found mostly in green vegetables is essential for cellular health. Malic Acid found in apples helps support magnesium absorption. It’s also an important part of the Krebs cycle which increases ATP, an enzyme that supports muscle health and growth. Chric Acid help’s in the Krebs cycle to remove carbon dioxide from your cells. It also helps maintain the alkaline levels in your body. Fighting of the acidic effects from coffee, soda and alcohol. Glycine is a non essential amino acid helpful in the production of RNA and DNA. It also helps brain function and promotes a healthy prostate gland.

These minerals and acids which promote the muscle and cellular health of your vascular system along with a low carbohydrate diet well lower your cholesterol levels and prevent the plaque buildup that causes Atherosclerosis. Exercise to strengthen your vascular system is always a good thing, but you don’t have to over do it. Feeding your vascular system what it needs and not over feeding your body what it does not need is one of those healthy life choices that we all need to make.

By: Irvine
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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Components Of A Diet To Lower Cholesterol

Components Of A Diet To Lower Cholesterol

The first line of defense against rising cholesterol levels is a healthy diet. The National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III report has targeted lowering LDL cholesterol as one of the most important aspect of heart disease prevention. This report recommends that in order to lower the risk of coronary heart disease that a therapeutic lifestyle change (TLC) must be undertaken. The components of this therapeutic lifestyle change include a diet to lower cholesterol that includes the following.

1. Saturated Fat and Cholesterol – Reducing saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet is the foundation of the TLC diet. The strongest nutritional influence on serum LDL cholesterol levels is saturated fats. There is also a dose response relationship between saturated fats and LDL cholesterol levels. For every 1% increase in calories from saturated fats as a percent of total energy, serum LDL cholesterol increases roughly 2%. On the other hand a 1% decrease in saturated fats will lower serum cholesterol by about 2%. Although a weight reduction of even a few pounds will reduce LDL levels, weight reduction achieved with a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol will enhance and maintain LDL cholesterol reductions. Although dietary cholesterol does not have the equivalent impact of saturated fat on serum LDL cholesterol levels, high cholesterol intake will increase LDL cholesterol levels.

2. Monounsaturated Fat – Substituting monounsaturated fat for saturated fats at an intake level of up to 20% of total energy intake is recommended with a cholesterol lowering diet. Monounsaturated fats lower LDL cholesterol levels relative to saturated fats without decreasing HDL cholesterol or triglyceride levels. Plant oils and nuts are the best sources of monounsaturated fats.

3. Polyunsaturated Fats – When used instead of saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats such as linoleic acid reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Unfortunately they can also cause a decrease in HDL cholesterol when compared to the effects of monounsaturated fats. The recommended intake of polyunsaturated fats is about 10% of total energy intake. The best sources for this type of fat include liquid vegetable oils, semi-liquid margarine, and other margarines low in transfatty acids.

4. Total Fat – Saturated fats and transfatty acids increase LDL cholesterol levels, while serum levels of LDL cholesterol do not appear to be affected by total fat intake. For that reason the report suggests it is not essential to limit total fat intake as long as saturated fats are decreased to goal levels.

5. Carbohydrates – LDL cholesterol decreases when saturated fats are replaced with carbohydrates. But high consumption of carbohydrates, over 60% of total energy intakes, are shown to decrease HDL cholesterol and increase serum triglycerides. This response to carbohydrate intake can be decreased by increasing soluble fiber intake. In fact by increasing soluble fiber to 5 to 10 grams a day LDL cholesterol can be decreased about 5%.

6. Protein – Although dietary protein generally has little effect of serum LDL cholesterol levels, substituting plant-based proteins for animal proteins appears to lower LDL cholesterol. This may be caused by the lack of cholesterol and lower saturated fat content of plant based protein foods. Of course not all animal proteins are high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Fat-free and low-fat dairy products, egg whites, fish, skinless poultry, and lean cuts of beef and pork are low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Using diet to lower cholesterol is the first step for anyone who has tested for high LDL cholesterol levels. By lowering serum cholesterol the risk of coronary heart disease is lessened, along with all the other health benefits of eating a more healthy diet.

By: Andrew Bicknell
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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Control Ldl Cholesterol To Control Heart Disease

Control Ldl Cholesterol To Control Heart Disease

Cholesterol is a substance that is found in our blood. It is usually associated with other substances, notably the lipoproteins named LDL and HDL. The association with HDL is good for our health whereas the association with LDL is bad. Let us find out how these associations actually affect our health and how we can guard against their adverse effect on our health.

The LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels are maintained within a normal range by the body's natural regulatory mechanism. Sometimes this regulatory mechanism malfunctions, or maybe the body is flooded with cholesterol by ingestion. In any case the blood cholesterol level exceeds the normal range. This leads to a serious condition which can lead to severe health problems.

LDL cholesterol tends to stick to the inner walls of the blood vessels it moves through. The coating reduces the blood flow through the affected vessels. This means poor circulation which translates to poor health. The coating may increase to an extent where the blood vessel is severely constricted. This condition is known as arteriosclerosis.

Blood backs up from this point leading to high blood pressure which severely stresses the heart. Worse, small bits of the LDL cholesterol blockage can get dislodged and flow down with the blood. If these bits of LDL cholesterol enter a capillary, which is a very fine blood vessel, the capillary gets blocked starving the areas served by the capillary network of vital blood. If this happens in the brain, then areas of the brain just shut down leading to a form of paralysis called a 'stroke'.

If the blood flow to the heart itself is cut off, a heart attack occurs possibly leading to a fatality. These are just two situations which can occur when LDL cholesterol exceeds the normal limit. There are a great number of similar situations, collectively called cardiovascular disease, which are directly linked to the excessive LDL cholesterol level.

There is just one thing we can do to guard against heart disease caused by excessive LDL cholesterol: assist the body in regulating the blood cholesterol level. The most effective way is by controlling what we eat. Medical researchers tell us that the most common reason for excessive LDL cholesterol is our over-indulgence in saturated fats, both directly and indirectly.

We can have fatty foods which are good for health, like the omega-3 group of fats. The omega-3 fats actually work to reduce the LDL cholesterol in the blood, so we should have a lot of tuna and salmon because they are rich sources of omega-3 fats. Studies show that drinking a lot of water helps to increase the blood circulation which goes a long way in reducing LDL cholesterol.

Stop using heavy cooking oil to cook food in. Switch to virgin olive oil which is highly recommended as a healthy cooking medium. Changing your cooking oil is a very effective way to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Smoking actually helps to elevate the LDL cholesterol level in the blood. Give up smoking and see the LDL cholesterol beat a hasty retreat. Follow the other steps in this article to ensure your freedom from a dangerous heart condition.

Medical research shows that stress leads to LDL cholesterol buildup. Lowering your stress level will lower your blood LDL cholesterol too. The moral of the lesson is that you should relax more often, give up those activities that add to your stress, and pick up those activities that reduce your stress.

To sum up, LDL cholesterol can be controlled by eating foods which are free of saturated fats, exercising, quitting smoking and ridding yourself of stress. The worst thing you can do is to panic about high LDL cholesterol levels. This article is meant to educate you about the cause and prevention of heart disease, not scare you. Use what you have learnt in this article to control the LDL cholesterol situation. Once that is under control, you can say that the risk of heart disease is under control.

By: Ned Best
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

13 Natural Remedies That Lower Your Cholesterol

13 Natural Remedies That Lower Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is not all bad. Your body naturally produces it, and it plays some pretty important roles. It helps build new cells, produce hormones and insulates the nerves. But, when you have too much, it becomes a health problem.

When cholesterol levels are high, it means you have too much yellow, mushy fat substance circulating in your blood stream, which can clog your arteries and restrict blood flow leading to heart attack, stroke or angina pain.

Another problem with cholesterol, is all the terms that come with it; such as, dietary cholesterol, serum cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Here is how to keep them all straight.

Dietary cholesterol is what is contained in food (mostly of animal origin). The American Heart Association recommends limiting your daily intake to 300 milligrams.

Serum cholesterol is what is in your bloodstream and what the doctor measures with a cholesterol test. (A reading less than 200 is desirable, a reading between 200 - 240 is borderline high risk, and a reading greater than 240 is high risk.)

HDL cholesterol (“High” Density Lipoprotein) is a distinct part of serum cholesterol that is considered “good” because of its artery cleansing ability. The “higher” the HDL level, the better.

LDL cholesterol (“Low” Density Lipoprotein) is considered to be HDL’s evil twin because of its artery clogging ability. The “lower” the LDL level, the better.

Here are 13 natural remedies that lower your cholesterol.

1. Watch your weight. Studies have shown that the more overweight you are, the more cholesterol your body produces. Every 2.2 pound rise in body weight elevates your cholesterol 2 points. Aim for a diet composed of two-thirds fruit, vegetables, cereals and whole grains. Only one-third of your calories should come from meat and dairy products. (Which are often high in fat and calories.)

2. Watch your fats. Saturated fat elevates blood cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fat lowers blood cholesterol. So, it would be wise to cut back on such sources of saturated fat as meat, butter, cheese and hydrogenated oil. Replace these sources with fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products and polyunsaturated oils like corn, safflower and soybean.

3. Eat less eggs. You don’t have to cut them out completely. Just limit yourself to three whole eggs per week. Since only the yolk contains cholesterol, use the egg whites freely. You can substitute two egg whites for every whole egg. Even when baking. You can make scrambled eggs or an omelet using one whole egg with two to four egg whites.

4. Eat more beans. Beans, and other legumes contain pectin, which surrounds cholesterol and escorts it right out of the body. One cup of beans; navy beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, lima beans, soybeans, black-eyed peas and lentils, will all perform this cholesterol lowering activity.

5. Eat more fruit. Fruit also contains pectin. Try to eat a variety of fruit. For instance, a half a grapefruit at breakfast, an apple at lunch and some orange sections at dinner, could probably lower your cholesterol quite nicely.

6. Eat your oats, brans and barley. Oat bran, corn bran and barley appears to lower serum cholesterol in the same fashion as pectin rich fruits and does as good a job as beans. Oatmeal can also reduce cholesterol.

7. Eat carrots. Carrots also have pectin content. Studies have shown that eating just 2 carrots a day can lower high cholesterol 10 to 20%. That could be enough to bring levels into a safe range.

8. Drink skim milk. A compound in the nonfat portion of skim milk inhibits cholesterol production in the liver.

9. Take garlic. Large quantities of raw garlic can reduce harmful blood fats. Unfortunately, it can also reduce your number of friends. One gram daily of liquid garlic extract, however, can reduce your cholesterol level an average of 44 points in six months.

10. Fiber rich psyllium seeds. Psyllium seeds are the main ingredient of the bowel regulator Metamucil. Metamucil and other psyllium seed products may be a good alternative treatment when diet alone does not bring blood cholesterol levels down.

11. Exercise. One of the best ways to lower your levels of LDL cholesterol is through vigorous exercise. It also increases the body’s ability to clear fat from the blood after meals.

12. Do not smoke. A Swedish study showed that smokers tend to suffer from low levels of HDL cholesterol. But when a group of habitual smokers kicked the habit, they all experienced rapid and noticeable increases in HDL concentrations.

13. Drink Tea. The tannins found in tea may also help lower cholesterol. A study found that people on a high cholesterol diet that habitually drank tea had blood cholesterol levels within a normal range.

Some nutritional supplements that may help to counter cholesterol are Vitamin C, E and calcium. Studies have shown that when Vitamin C is added to a pectin rich diet, cholesterol drops even lower than with pectin alone. Another study showed that Vitamin E can significantly increase HDL levels. And yet another study showed that 2 grams of calcium carbonate taken daily, reduced cholesterol by 25% in 12 months.

Herbal supplements that are beneficial in lowering LDL levels include alfalfa, black cohosh, cayenne and ginseng. Skullcap may be beneficial for increasing HDL levels.

By: Edith Lingenfelter

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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How To Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

How To Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Getting Down high cholesterol points will lengthen your life-time and amend the quality of life because it diminishes the chance of coronary and stroke. Whenever potential it is safest to hold cholesterol grades without medication, first. Perpetually consult with your particular care physician around this. Even if you find yourself requiring medication to get down cholesterol, you may ask less if you can decrease the grades some without medication. The methods to decrease cholesterol without medication:

1. Diet
2. Exercise


Diet exchanges can be complicated and challenging, but once you acquire recent consuming usage and start finding healthier, it will need fewer effort. The methods to alter your diet to aid in reducing cholesterol grades :

Remove and cut foods that are high in cholesterol - some propose that cholesterol that follows from food should be fewer than 300 mg per twenty-four hours. For those with high cholesterol who wish to reduce their cholesterol may wish to keep down the quantity to 200 mg. Foods which have high cholesterol grades:

1. Eggs (primarily the yolk)
2. Chicken
3. Liver
4. Beef
5. Hotdogs
6. Butter
7. Sponge cake
8. Ice cream
9. Processed and deep fried foods

Limit foods that take trans fat or saturated fats- your body will produce cholesterol from both trans and saturated fats. The government has intervened and applied ordinances regarding trans fat. Most fast food restaurants adopted voluntarily with the recent instruction while others were forced to. Some took a quiet longer due to the desire to take substitutions only did not desire to change the taste of their products. The brain requires some fats for suit function, so be convinced you don’t wipe out all fat from your diet.

Increase soluble fiber- it binds with fatty acids and gets the stomach to empty more slowly so that the grade of sugar free and absorption is prolonged. Soluble fiber shrinks the cholesterol that is absorbed in the intestines. Sources of soluble fiber:

1. Oats/bran
2. Nuts
3. Barley
4. Fruits
5. Vegetables
6. Flaxseed

Increase healthy foods to take down your fish, cholesterol-fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and lean meats will aid reduce cholesterol.

Converting the style you eat may give the positive side impact of weight loss. This is good because sometimes even a 5-10 lb weight loss can take down cholesterol grades. Cutting cholesterol too drastically will stimulate the body to produce its own cholesterol and that is harder to hold and often will take medication.

Cholesterol is required for the following :

1. Restore cell and broken tissue
2. Antioxidant attributes
3. Part of every cell
4. Required for proper brain use and memory
5. Gall (aids in digestions) part
6. Shaping of hormones
7. Holds infection
8. Part of vitamin production

Use a high protein immunoglobulin supplement – a report published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2005 81 (4) p 792) found that women and men who took reasonably high cholesterol, between 210 and 270 whole count, had a 6% drop in total cholesterol after just three weeks of consuming an immunoglobulin supplement.

Of importance to note, the LDL cholesterol degree dropped 7% while the HDL cholesterol grade continued constant.

HDL (good cholesterol) growths with exercise and will contribute to lowering high cholesterol grades.
Exercising at least 4 days out of the week- when the workout is mild activities ; it is best to strain to do it every twenty-four hours. Traditional workouts, running and weight lifting aren’t the only exercises you can do to aid decrease cholesterol; the following activities can be part of cholesterol getting down workout acts:

1. Walking
2. Yard work
3. Housework
4. Dancing

Workout at least 30 minutes per twenty-four hours- the minutes can be separated into smaller workout sessions as long it totals 30 minutes by the end of the day.

Life-style exchanges like consuming proper and workout need time to become portion of a daily habit. Stay with it and the benefits will be valuable. When efforts to reduce your cholesterol have not been successful, your doctor may decide to place you on medication to reduce your cholesterol grades.

By: ghostevyta

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Monday, March 16, 2009

High Cholesterol Foods To Avoid

High Cholesterol Foods To Avoid

For those who suffer from high cholesterol the best and first way to control and lower their cholesterol levels is through their diet. But many people are confused as to what constitutes a high cholesterol food they need to avoid and a low cholesterol food. This is because there is a difference between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol.

Generally most health guidelines recommend that dietary cholesterol not exceed 300 mg per day for most healthy people, but if one suffers from high LDL blood cholesterol levels then this intake should be not more than 200 mg per day.

Cholesterol, a waxy like substance, is only found in animal meat and tissues and its sources include red meat, eggs, fish, poultry, and dairy products. On the flip side any food derived from plant sources is cholesterol free, including high fat plants food sources such as avocado's and peanut butter. This is where the confusion usually happens because eating large amounts of vegetable oil, which is virtually 100% food fat, can significantly raise blood cholesterol levels, particularly when eaten with high cholesterol foods.

The fact is that blood LDL cholesterol levels are highly influenced by the amount of saturated fat that one eats. There is a relationship between the amounts of saturated fat one eats the LDL cholesterol levels in the blood. For every one percent increase in calories obtained by eating saturated fat, blood cholesterol levels go up around two percent. Conversely for every one percent decrease in saturated fat intake cholesterol levels will reduce about two percent.

The thing to remember when it comes avoiding high cholesterol foods is that while doing so will decrease LDL cholesterol levels, reducing saturated fat intake has a bigger impact on these levels then many people are aware of. This does not mean that those who suffer from high cholesterol can eat high cholesterol foods, but they should be aware that there is more to reducing cholesterol then just this one thing.

The reason for this confusion with the way cholesterol can increase in the blood stream is the way many foods are cooked and/or served. Let's look at one of everyone's favorite breakfasts; bacon/sausage and eggs. We all know that eggs are high in cholesterol, but what we don't know is that the cholesterol in eggs has a small impact on blood cholesterol levels. It's the high amount of saturated fat in the bacon or sausage that has a far larger impact on LDL cholesterol levels.

Another culprit is deep fat fried foods. Many foods are for the most part harmless until they are breaded and fried in hot oil. In fact, many fish and seafood choices are considered to be good for us because of the omega-3 fatty acids that they contain, but as soon as they are deep fried and eaten any benefits are cancelled by the saturated fat that raises bad LDL cholesterol.

When it comes to high cholesterol foods to avoid it is important to remember that these types of food aren't necessarily bad in and of themselves if eaten in moderation. The real problem occurs when they are combined with high levels of saturated fat, which has a more profound effect on blood cholesterol levels.

By: Andrew Bicknell

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Thursday, February 19, 2009

18 Proven Natural Solutions For High Cholesterol

18 Proven Natural Solutions For High Cholesterol

There are millions of people that are currently struggling with high cholesterol. Many are taking prescription statin drugs, while others are choosing to take a more proactive stance by tackling the problem head on through fundamental lifestyle changes.

There is no question that increasing physical activity and improving diet are the most important steps to take when cholesterol is high. In addition to those two things, I am going to provide you with 18 proven natural solutions for high cholesterol that will surely give you a jump start to help you reach your cholesterol goals without having to surrender to dangerous statin drugs.

Natural Solutions for High Cholesterol

Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, is a powerful antioxidant and plays a fundamental role in the mitochondria, the parts of the cell that produce energy from food. CoQ10 improves circulation and is highly beneficial for those with hypertension, high cholesterol, heart disease, and many more.

Chromium Picolinate's most important function is to help control the amount of sugar in the blood. Insulin plays an integral role in this process by managing the movement of glucose out of the blood and into cells. Chromium lowers total cholesterol levels and improves HDL-to-LDL levels.

Apple pectin lowers cholesterol by binding fats and heavy metals.

Spirulina is an extremely nutrient rich blue-green algae. This superfood is abundant in B vitamins, calcium, beta-carotene, potassium, zinc, gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), magnesium, protein, and much more. Spirulina is highly effective for lowering cholesterol levels by decreasing oxidation that is most harmful to LDL cholesterol.

Essential fatty acids thin the blood and lowers LDL levels. You can take EFA's in supplement form and can be found online or in any natural store.

Garlic and Vitamin E improve circulation; lowers cholesterol and blood pressure levels; and is great for overall heart health.

Cayenne, Hawthorn Berries, and Goldenseal are especially useful for lowering cholesterol.

B6, B12, and Folic Acid helps to lower damaging homocysteine levels. When the body's stores of B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid and B12 are depleted, homocysteine can rise to abnormal levels and lead to a much greater risk of heart attack.

Niacin (B3), guggul, artichoke leaf, fiber, and red yeast rice are also excellent natural solutions for those with high cholesterol. Red yeast rice is a supplement thought to work like the popular "statin" drugs, so it should be taken alongside CoQ10.

Ultimately, the best natural solution for those with high cholesterol is to make positive lifestyle changes. Get regular physical activity, maintain a healthy weight, eat low cholesterol foods, quit smoking, drink alcohol in moderation (if at all), manage stress, consume plenty of fiber, and drink plenty of fresh organic juices.

By: Robin R.
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Monday, January 12, 2009

Lipitor– Helping To Fight With Cholesterol

Lipitor– Helping To Fight With Cholesterol

Lipitor is a very popular drug, which is widely used to reduce excessive amount of cholesterol from the body that can be formed due to various reasons. Present of excessive amount of cholesterol in the body is the major cause of ill health and it results in many diseases such as heart-strokes, heart-attacks and various other heart diseases.

Manufactured by Pfizer this medication is well trusted for reducing the cholesterol level throughout the world. Intake of Lipitor by the patient blocks the organism’s production of high bad cholesterol or LDL. This medication works by inhibiting certain amount of triglycerides, cholesterol, and apolipoprotein B, a protein without which high bad cholesterol would not be produced. If you are suffering from high cholesterol level, you can easily buy Lipitor and feel its benefit.

Lipitor works by responding to the organism’s need of lowering some of its potentially bad products that contribute to hardening of the arteries. Treatment with Lipitor also ensures increase production of good cholesterol in the body. People are heavily relying on Lipitor and are buying Lipitor to prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Lipitor is usually advised to be taken with some restriction in diets. Generally restrictions are of cholesterol and fat intake so that reduce amount of cholesterol and fatty substance in the blood. If there is large amount of cholesterol and fats in the blood it gets accumulated along the walls of the arteries and decreases the flow of blood. It therefore leads to reduce supply of oxygen to heart, brain and other parts of the body thus creating heart problems. To get relief from heart ailments buy Lipitor easily through online drug stores.

Lipitor or Atorvastatin was approved by the FDA in December 1996, belongs to statins class of drugs, which includes lovastatin, simvastatin, fluvastatin and pravastatin. All the statins helps to prevent the production of cholesterol in liver by blocking the enzymes, which are responsible for cholesterol.

They lower total blood cholesterol as well as LDL cholesterol levels. LDL cholesterol is primarily responsible for the development of coronary artery disease. Lower LDL cholesterol levels retards progression and may even reverse coronary artery disease. People facing high cholesterol problems can safely trust and buy Lipitor to get relief from cholesterol problems.

It is very important that your personal physician should be aware of your present medical condition before prescribing you this medicine. Patients who are suffering from a chronic muscular disease, or are suffering from drinking problems or who have currently undergone a major surgery might not be allowed to intake this medicine.

Like every other medication, side effects that can occur while taking Lipitor include muscle cramps or muscle pain while some rare effects may include blurred vision, dizziness, headaches, heartburn, diarrhea or constipation. If these side effects crop up, you must immediately consult your doctor. The chances of side effects increases if one takes alcohol while taking Lipitor so avoid the use of alcohol. By taking some precautions one can safely use and buy Lipitor to avail its benefit.

By: Article Submitter
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Monday, January 5, 2009

List Of Low Cholesterol Foods

List Of Low Cholesterol Foods

People who are over 25 years of age should pay more attention to their cholesterol levels. This is because as the body ages, its ability to fight off bad cholesterol decreases. Experts say that in order to avoid having too much bad cholesterol in the body, people should always have a ready list of low cholesterol foods and create a balance diet menu out of it.

The following is a list of low cholesterol foods that can be mix and match to create a low cholesterol diet:

1. LEAN MEATS. Lean red meats or lean chicken/turkey meats and fish should always be included in the list of low cholesterol menu because these are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients that are excellent for a person's metabolism as well as in fighting off bad cholesterol.

2. VEGETABLES. This food group is considered as the healthiest among other groups in the food pyramid primarily because they are low in calorie-content. Aside from that, these are also high in dietary fiber and dietary nutrients that aids not only regulated metabolism but also balances cholesterol levels. Vegetables are also perfect low cholesterol foods because these are excellent sources of minerals and vitamins such as vitamins C, E and K, vitamin B-complex, and other micronutrients that reduce vitamin deficiency. Aside from lowering high cholesterol levels, other benefits of eating vegetables also include the reduction of heart diseases and cancer as well as high blood pressure.

3. GRAINS. Because these are in high-energy content and dietary fiber content, grains are effective foods to lower cholesterol level. Whole grains are also known as effective in controlling weight. Aside from whole grains, breads, beans, potatoes, pasta, and cereals can also help lower cholesterol levels.

4. NUTS AND SEEDS. Since these contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals, nuts and seeds are included among the list of low cholesterol foods. These foods also are also high in dietary fiber that is excellent for great metabolism and low in calorie-content that is effective for weight management.

5. FRUITS. Just like vegetables, fruits are also among the top food groups that lower cholesterol because they are very low in calorie content. These also contain large amounts of significant vitamins and nutrients that help prevent of vitamin deficiency as well as other illnesses.

By: Albert Lee

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