Thursday, April 17, 2008

Low Cholesterol Diet

Low Cholesterol Diet
by Peter Emerson

Nowadays, cholesterol is becoming a real threat to many people.

The main reason behind this is that people tend to consume more products that are rich in saturated fats, such as whole milk dairy products, poultry, and egg yolks.

Additionally, most people also rely on food chains for their daily diet or perhaps on processed foods, especially if their schedule is too hectic to accommodate home cooking.

So if you are one of these people who love to eat these kinds of foods, it’s time to reassess your diet and start eating a low-cholesterol diet.

The low-cholesterol diet is a diet low in saturated fat, which helps lower your cholesterol level and protect you from various heart diseases.

The foods that should be included in this diet are fat-free dairy products, lean meats, fish and shellfish, skinless poultry, and whole-grain foods.

Fresh fruits and green vegetables, especially when combined with large quantities of olive oil and monostaturates, should also be included because these are rich in vitamins and minerals that are good for your body and reduce your risk for high cholesterol.

In addition to these, certain foods that contain plant stanols or plant sterols such as cholesterol-lowering margarines and salad dressings can also be added to your diet to boost your body’s LDL-lowering power.

Meanwhile, foods that are high in cholesterol and saturated fats should only be eaten in moderation. If possible, these should not be included in your diet.

Avoid liver and other organ meats, egg yolks, full-fat dairy products, high-fat processed meats, and fried foods.

Limiting the intake of these foods can greatly reduce your cholesterol levels and decrease your chances of developing heart disease, as well as protect you from future heart attacks.

A simple low-cholesterol diet is a big help to you, but only if you observe and follow these guidelines regularly.

Remember that your health is in your hands

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Basic Information About Cholesterol

Basic Information About Cholesterol
by Lindsay Fox

Cholesterol is a waxy, fatty substance that is found in every cell of the body. It is involved in the production of cell membranes, some hormones, vitamin D, bile acids, and other tissues in the body. It also insulates nerves. Cholesterol is produced in the liver, but we also get cholesterol from our diet.

The amount of cholesterol in the body depends on factors such as the rate of cholesterol production in the liver, the rate of cholesterol clearance from the body, the amount of dietary fat (particularly saturated fat) and to a lesser extent, cholesterol consumed.

The excess cholesterol in our body circulates in the bloodstream. High levels of cholesterol in the blood can clog blood vessels and increase the risk fro heart disease and stroke.

Different types of Cholesterol
  1. Low-Density Lipoprotein (or LDL) cholesterol is a bad type of cholesterol that is most likely to clog blood vessels, increasing you risk for heart disease.
  2. High-Density Lipoprotein (or HDL) cholesterol is a good type of cholesterol. HDL cholesterol helps clear the LDL cholesterol out of the blood and reduces your risk for heart disease.

Cholesterol & Heart Disease

High cholesterol is one of the major contributors to heart disease. Research strongly indicates that lowering of cholesterol leads to a drop in the occurrence of heart disease.

The main reason for this is because with less blood cholesterol, there is less plaque formation within the arterial walls.

This will reduce the chances or an artery becoming blocked and causing a heart attack or stroke.

Also, blood will flow through arteries with greater ease and this can lower blood pressure.

Reasons which lead to a Rise in Cholesterol:
  1. Poor eating habits
  2. Smoking
  3. Excess weight or Obesity
  4. Heredity factor
  5. Daily Stress
  6. Over Alcohol consumption

Ways to control or lessen Cholesterol:

Good eating habits
It is very important to follow good eating habits in order to lower your cholesterol.

Regular exercising
Experts recommend at least 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity five days a week for at least 12 weeks for significant cholesterol reduction.

Weight loss and maintaining it
You can lower your LDL (“bad cholesterol”) and elevate your HDL (“good cholesterol”) just by dropping some pounds

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